Reports and Metrics

Building a positive company culture.

Eclat values workforce diversity and prioritizes safety, talent development, and gender representation. We aim to foster growth, empower teams, and improve work experiences through open conversations.

Quick facts


Employees worldwide.


Women account for more than half of the company.


Employment satisfaction rated as ‘happy and proud.’ 


Gender pay equity at Eclat.

30 y/o

Majority of our talent is in their 30s and below.

Training and Development


Talent retention rate.

220K hrs

A total of 221,951 hours were dedicated to staff training.


Percentage of female employees in management positions.


Retention rate of employees after parental leave.


NT$850K invested in 18 various types of internal social clubs.

Social contribution highlights

We believe it’s critical to enable young minds to achieve the extraordinary through education and support beyond funding. We extend our efforts to include sponsorships and supply donations. From orphanages, temples, injury associations to disaster prevention and relief. Social and disability centers and the underrepresented and underprivileged communities.

60 million

Provided NT$ 60 million education scholarships and grants programs to date.

5 million+

NT$ 5 million annual investment towards the 10 years running Eclat Student Design Competition.

17.21 million

NT$ 17.21 million in donations and social investments.

Gender diversity

Our workforce consists solely of full-time and part-time employees, with no outsourced or dispatched personnel. Women comprise most of our workforce in Taiwan, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Cambodia.

Generational diversity

We build our culture on new ideas and possibilities without sacrificing all collective generations’ guidance, diligence, creativity, and craft. The majority of our talent is in their 30s and below.

Management roles by gender

At Eclat, women account for 38.1% of all managerial positions, with 23% holding top executive roles. The following percentages represent the proportion of women in managerial positions in each location:

  • Taiwan: 53.6%
  • Vietnam: 68.5%
  • Cambodia: 65.5%
  • Indonesia: 71.2%



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